Are you ready to step out your comfort zone?

posted in: Coaching, Lisa, Mindset Coaching
Yesterday, I checked in with a fellow coach from our advanced Flying Changes Mindset Course. We hadn’t spoken in a while, so I wanted to see how she was doing.
🌟We ended up chatting about social media—specifically, the challenge of putting yourself out there. She’d seen my message in our group chat and said she’d been having the same thoughts: wanting to connect with people but feeling wary of the negativity that social media sometimes brings.
💬 She’s not alone. I know several people who are on the brink of walking away from it entirely. While social media has its benefits, it’s no secret it can be a tough place to show up.
📅 Last week, I had a meeting with a social media expert about promoting my shop and mindset coaching. The big takeaway? To connect with your audience, you need to be consistent and visible—front and centre, as she put it.
Cue my horrified reaction. 🙈 The idea of putting myself “front and centre” on social media made me want to run for the hills!
Here’s the thing: I can coach confidently in the middle of an arena for hours. But social media? That’s a whole different ballgame. Why? Because it’s way outside my comfort zone.
❓ When the social media expert asked me why I was reluctant, I rattled off my concerns:
• Who’d want to listen to me?
• What if no one interacts?
• What if I have no followers?
• What if someone tells me I’m rubbish?
Her response was, “You’ll just have to grow a thick skin.” 😕 While well-meaning, it left me feeling more deflated than inspired.
Fast forward to yesterday’s chat with my fellow coach. We talked about marketing strategies, and I shared my plan to launch a competition for free coaching sessions—once I’d found out if I’d passed my advanced mindset accreditation. I admitted I might be procrastinating because I didn’t want to put myself out there.
Her reply hit home:
✅“Are you going to lose anything by putting it out there now?”
✅“What are you going to gain by waiting?”
Boom.💥 In just a few perfectly timed questions, she helped shift my mindset from hesitation to action. It was a perfect example of mindset coaching at work—asking the right questions at the right time to help someone move forward.
It’s not about ignoring fears or challenges but understanding where they come from and how to move through them.
The truth is, there were several things at play that had left me feeling off balance and unsure about taking the next step.
After a hectic few months, I was physically rundown and battling a cold.🤒 Between Christmas, a heavy workload, and the pressure of meeting my advanced mindset coaching assignment deadlines, I’d been running on fumes. Once I hit “submit,” my body finally hit the brakes.
😩 When we’re physically or mentally drained, everything can feel more challenging. Add to that the discomfort of stepping well outside my comfort zone (hello, social media!) and my natural tendency to procrastinate when faced with uncertainty, and it’s no wonder my confidence wavered.
✨This is why mindset coaching is so powerful. It recognizes the interplay between our mental, physical, and emotional states. My fellow coach didn’t tell me to “get over it.” Instead, she reminded me of my own skills and gave me the nudge I needed to move forward. She didn’t give me advice but helped me uncover my own answers.
Even as mindset coaches, we’re not immune to doubts. Life throws curve balls at all of us. 🎢The difference is, we have tools to navigate those moments, understand where they’re coming from, and move through them. We’re not fearless robots—we feel fear, just like everyone else. But we also know how to work with it, not against it.
🚀So, here’s what I’ve decided: next week, I’ll be launching a competition for someone to win a set of free coaching sessions. 🎉Plus, I’ll be announcing the workshops I’ve planned for March.
This is me, stepping out of my comfort zone. And if you’re considering doing the same in your life, let me tell you—it’s worth it, as that’s where growth begins.
🌱 Whether you’re feeling stuck or unsure in your riding🐴, dealing with a particular challenge, or navigating everyday life, mindset coaching can help you uncover what’s holding you back and enable you to take that first step forward.

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